Pengaruh Penggunaan Rumpon Sawit Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Cumi-Cumi Pada Bagan Tancap Di Rebo Kabupaten Bangka
Effect of Use Oil Palm FADs on Squid Catch Yields to the Chart at Rebo Bangka Regency
This research aim to determine the effect of the use of FADs on the number of catches of squid on a fixed chart as a fishing aid. This research is conducted from December 2019 until february 2020 at Rebo Village, Bangka Regency. This resarch use the methodology, by following the fising operations carried out by liftnet siherman. The process of this research started by preparing the material, then to the stage of making FAD and operating the fixed lift net. Using palm midribs as the main material of the The making of FAD, andit will be installed around the fixed lift net, then the research sample will be taken. Furthermore, the sampling process in the form of catch result, and the measurement of environmental parameters. The analytical method used is the analysis of normality test and t test (statistics).The result of this research shows there is an impact on the FAD Deployments on fixed lift net catch tools towards squid catch, normality test results significance value of 0.959 > 0.05, so the results of the test were normally distributed. the significance value of 0.003, with a t value of 3.337 > t table with a value of 2.822. The result shows that there is an impact between the fixed lift net with and without FAD.
Copyright (c) 2020 Kurniawan Salim, Deska Augustia, Okto Supratman
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.