Keragaan Unit Penangkap Ikan Di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan
The Performance of Fishing Unit in South Bangka Regency
South Bangka Regency has 59 islands with abundant potential in them including capture fisheries potential. Information on the performance of fishing units is absolutely necessary as a baseline data for sustainable capture fisheries sector management both from ecological, social and economic aspects. The purpose of this study was to analyze the classification and construction of fishing gear in South Bangka Regency, vessel volume (Gross Tonage), fishing trip length of each type of fishing gear and completeness of fishing business permit (SIUP) and fishing permit (SIPI). This research was conducted in April to May 2018. Data taken from secondary data from various relevant agencies and primary data in the form of questionnaires as many as 160 respondents. The method of selecting respondents was done by purposive sampling method. Data analysis using descriptive methods by grouping fishing gear into classifications according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and according to the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 6 of 2010 concerning fishing equipment in the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area (WPPRI). The results showed that there were 2 types of prohibited fishing equipment, namely trawling (classification of trawler) and cantrang (classification of trawlers) that were still operating in South Bangka Regency. There are 13 main types of fishing gear in South Bangka Regency which are environmentally friendly, namely gillnet bottom, pomfret net, pari net (gill net classification), sero, wire mesh and folding trap (trap classification), fixed line, tonda fishing line, squid fishing line, basic fishing line (fishing line classification), mini purse seine (circumference net classification), sungkur, step chart, boat chart (lift net classification). The types of fishing gear are included in 7 classes in South Bangka Regency. 34% of fishing vessels in the southern Bangka Regency do not have a fishery business permit (SIUP) and a fishing permit (SIPI).