Journal of Aquatropica Asia <p><strong>Journal of Aquatropica Asia</strong> (<strong>JoAA</strong>) is an open access scientific periodical managed by the Department of Aquaculture, Bangka Belitung University. <strong>JoAA</strong> Journal involvement is carried out 2 (two) times a year, namely in July and December in the form of the main manuscript is an article that contains the results of research (research articles). Other manuscript contributions can be in the form of short articles (short communication), articles review, and also special issues. Articles received will be reviewed by reviewers managed by the Editor in Chief before the manuscript is accepted and approved for publication in <strong>JoAA</strong>.</p> <p>The <strong>Journal of Aquatropica Asia</strong> (<strong>JoAA</strong>) accepts articles written in Indonesian or English with regard to aquaculture studies and aquatic ecology in the broadest sense covering aspects of reproduction, nutrition and feed, genetics, physiology, morphology, health of aquatic organisms, water quality, plankton, conservation, and other aspects relevant to the field of aquaculture, include economic social, fishery products processing, and a<span class="st">quatic resources management.</span></p> Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung en-US Journal of Aquatropica Asia 2407-3601 EVALUATION OF WATER QUALITY FOR THE NILE FISH-FLOATING NET CAGE AQUACULTURE SYSTEM AT BANGKA BELITUNG UNIVERSITY <p>The water quality feasibility is an important factor in aquaculture activities and increasing the productivity of cultivated fish. The Bangka Belitung University (UBB) is developing nile fish cultivation in earthen ponds using a floating net cage system. However, there has been no study related to the quality of water in earthen ponds that can be used to determine the feasibility of using these ponds for fish farming, especially nile fish. This study aimed to evaluate the water quality for the nile fish-floating net cage aquaculture system at Bangka Belitung University. The physical and chemical parameters observed were pH, temperature, DO, BOD, COD, NH<sub>3</sub>-N, PO<sub>4</sub>-P, NO<sub>3</sub>-N, NO<sub>2</sub>-N, NH<sub>3</sub>, C-organic, and minerals. Measurements of fish performance were observed in the form of SR, ADG, SGR, absolute growth (length and weight), and FCR. The results showed that in general the water quality of the earthen pond of UBB was still feasible for nile fish cultivation which produced SR (100%), ADG (0.20 g/day), SGR (2.18%/day), and FCR (1, 3). Water quality engineering can be done by adding a water wheel to increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen and also reduce the activity of Fe and other minerals that cause acidity and inhibit the growth rate of nile fish</p> Andri Kurniawan Denny Syaputra irvani Irvani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 8 2 55 58 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4302 C Catappa Dip Addition on Betta Fish (Betta sp) Color Change <p>Betta fish, one of freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture commodities which has high sale value. Betta fish has various pattern and unique fish fin shape. Cattapa dip was a fish health product consisting of catappa leaves and vitamin C. &nbsp;This product could be use for betta fish cultivation so as not to be attacked by parasites, fungi, bacteria and also for helping the process of betta fish color changing. Cattapa dip could also maintain the stability of the water pH in betta fish cultivation. This product has a shape resembling a tea bag product which is very attractive and unique. This study consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments given were Treatment A (0.3 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram vitamin C), Treatment B (0.5 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C), Treatment C (0.7 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C) and K treatment / control (without treatment). The parameter observed during the study was the color change of <em>Betta fish (Betta sp) </em>which was measured by the percentage of color change based on RGB (Red Green Blue) using the <em>Color Picker </em>application. The results showed that the treatment with the addition of Kataplus in the form of dip as much as 0.5 gram of ketapang leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C was the best treatment. Based on the results of the color changes that occur in treatments A, B, C with 3 color indicators namely <em>Green </em>(green), <em>Red </em>(red), and <em>Blue </em>(blue). Color changes occurred in weeks 1st to week 4th where the &nbsp;best were obtained in treatment B with the average percentage produced, namely Red of 125,975%, Green of 111,375% and Blue of 116,6%. &nbsp;So it could be conclude that the use of Cattapa dip has an effect on color changes in Betta fish (<em>Betta</em> sp).</p> Indra Kristiana Wahyu Puji Astiyani Reza Reza Maulana Ega Aditya Atiek Pietoyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 8 2 59 64 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4069 POLICY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTIVATED FISHERY COMMERCE IN THE PROVINCE OF THE BANGKA BELITUNG ISLANDS <p>The trading system for aquaculture products is the process of distributing goods in the form of fish or derivative products from producers to final consumers effectively and efficiently. The objectives of this research are: 1) Analyzing aquaculture supply chain management in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province; and 2) Develop recommendations for the direction of development of the aquaculture trade system. This research method is a survey. The data sources in this research are primary and secondary data. The primary data collection method is qualitative, namely the researcher makes questionnaires, observations and interviews. Secondary data comes from production data from the Fisheries Service/BPS/pokdakan/regency/city companies in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Respondents in this study were informants at the District/City Fisheries Service, Pokdakan, and the shrimp farming industry (micro/small/medium/large scale). Data analysis is descriptive. The research results show that the grouper aquaculture supply chain is more efficient than the shrimp aquaculture supply chain, because it involves more companies from outside the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The direction of development of the aquaculture trade system which refers to supply chain management has not yet implemented Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 5/Permen-KP/2014 concerning the National Fish Logistics System (SLIN). Understanding of the cold chain is still low. Then the problem at the collection and storage stage is the availability of facilities (cold storage) as well as the availability of basic infrastructure such as electricity, clean water and others, and the availability of facilities (unplug reefer).</p> Endang Bidayani Tiara Puspa Anjani Muhammad Fachri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 8 2 65 71 10.33019/joaa.v8i1.4533 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF “KERAPING MALITA” FISH AMPIANG WHICH IS SUBSTITUTED WITH CATFISH <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ampiang ikan merupakan produk kerupuk khas Pulau Bangka. Umumnya ampiang diproduksi dengan bahan baku ikan laut, sementara terdapat Ikan Lele yang lebih stabil ketersediaan dan harganya. Produk ampiang “Keraping Malita” dengan substitusi Ikan Lele menggantikan ikan laut telah diproduksi dan mendapatkan respon positif dari konsumen. Namun masih banyak masyarakat yang sangsi dengan nutrisinya sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian terkait proksimatnya. Ampiang “Keraping Malita” memiliki nilai proksimat dengan protein sebesar 13,44%, lemak 49,22%, kadar air 3,16%, dan abu 3,30%. Protein, air dan serat telah memenuhi standar SNI 01-2713-1999. Kadar lemak terlalu tinggi akibat belum optimalnya penirisan setelah penggorengan. Kadar abu lebih tinggi karena terikutnya tulang ikan dalam proses pembuatan ampiang. Perlu perbaikan proses produksi terutama pada penggunaan peniris minyak mekanis.</span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Kata Kunci: ampiang, protein, nutrisi, Ikan Lele</span></p> Augusta Pratama Ardiansyah kurniawan Liza Febrilia Martiana Martiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-03 2023-11-03 8 2 72 76 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4581 MACROZOOBENTHOS COMMUNITY AS BIOINDICATOR OF WATER QUALITY FOR FISH CULTIVATION IN THE AIR DUREN RIVER, BANGKA REGENCY <p>Rivers are one source of water that is often used by humans for their life activities and the habitat for organisms that live in these waters. The quality decreases due to pollutants originating from domestic waste, both liquid waste and solid waste, and is also polluted by difficult organic compounds/chemicals. degraded such as detergents, phosphates or other compounds. One type of aquatic organism that is influenced by changes in the environment and water quality is macrozoobenthos, the sensitivity of macrobenthos to changes that occur in the water, making macrobenthos an indicator of the condition of a water area. This research aims to determine the diversity of macrozoobenthos as a bioindicator of water quality for fish cultivation in the Air Duren River Stream and to determine the water quality of the Air Duren River Stream for Aquaculture activities. Sampling was carried out in the Air Duren River using benthos filters. and analysis at the Aquaculture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Biology, Bangka Belitung University. Based on the results, it is known that the macrozoobenthos encountered were 6 species with a moderate level of diversity</p> Yussa Putri Ardiansyah Kurniawan Andri Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-10 2023-11-10 8 2 77 85 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4596 MENUJU BUDIDAYA NIHIL BIAYA PAKAN: PEMANFAATAN WOLFFIA SEBAGAI PAKAN ALAMI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) <p>Pakan menjadi porsi terbesar dalam pembiayaan akuakultur. Wolffia, satu diantara jenis duckweed, dapat dikultur dengan cepat dan potensial menjadi pakan alami bagi ikan. Kultur Wolffia sebagai pakan ikan diharapkan menjadi upaya menuju budidaya ikan tanpa biaya pakan. Namun masih perlu diuji pertumbuhan ikan dengan Wolffia sebagai pakannya. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan Ikan Nila dengan Wolffia sebagai pakan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian pakan Wolffia 20 dan 30 gram per hari, serta pelet sebagai kontrol positif. Ikan Nila dengan pemberian pakan Wolffia menunjukkan pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot. Laju pertumbuhan spesifiknya sebesar&nbsp; 4,3 – 4,6% dan lebih besar dibandingkan pakan pelet pada 3,6%. Namun FCR yang diperoleh tinggi yaitu 7,6 – 10,2, lebih tinggi dibandingkan pelet pada 2,2. Pemberian Wolffia segar dengan kadar air lebih dari 90% diprediksi menyebabkan FCR tinggi. Wolffia berpotensi sebagai pakan alami dalam budidaya Ikan Nila dengan biaya pakan rendah atau bahkan nihil.</p> Prastowo Yusuf Alrozi Annisa Hasna Muharoma Cici Priya Manik Ardiansyah Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-14 2023-11-14 8 2 86 92 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4602 CATATAN TAMBAHAN IKAN ENDEMIK Betta schalleri DI BANGKA SELATAN dan IKAN YANG BERASOSIASI <p><em>Betta schalleri</em>, salah satu ikan endemik di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, diketahui keberadaannya hanya di Pulau Bangka. Kajian tentang spesies ini masih sedikit dipublikasikan yang dimungkinkan karena semakin sulitnya ditemukan di habitat alami. penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang temuan <em>B.</em> <em>schalleri</em> di wilayah selatan Pulau Bangka dan jenis-jenis ikan yang juga ditemukan pada habitat yang sama. <em>Betta schalleri</em> ditemukan pada perairan aliran sungai di Kecamatan Air Gegas, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Ikan lain yang ditemukan berasosiasi di habitat yang sama adalah <em>Desmopuntius hexazona, Puntius gemellus, Channa lucius, Trichopodus trichopterus, Hamirhampdon </em><em>p</em><em>ogonognathus, Trigonopoma </em><em>p</em><em>auciperforatum, Trigonopoma gracile, Betta edithae, Betta </em><em>c</em><em>hloropharynx, </em>dan <em>Sphaerichthys osphromenoides. </em>Semua ikan yang ditemukan merupakan ikan endemik dan natif Sundaland.</p> Olivia Khanati Lindiatika Lindiatika Dona Lista Ahmad Fahrul Syarif Ardiansyah Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-19 2023-11-19 8 2 93 97 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4628 REVIEW: KAJIAN KONSERVASI IKAN ENDEMIK TERANCAM PUNAH Betta burdigala (Kottelat & Ng, 1994) ASAL PERAIRAN BANGKA SELATAN <p>Ikan <em>Betta burdigala</em> (Kottelat &amp; Ng, 1994) merupakan&nbsp;ikan endemik asli pulau bangka. Ikan <em>Betta burdigala</em> ini telah terdaftar daftar merah spesies terancam punah Red List-IUCN&nbsp;dengan kategori terancam kritis (<em>Critically Endangered</em>).&nbsp;Penurunan populasi ikan&nbsp;<em>Betta burdigala</em>&nbsp;ini disebabkan akibat adanya degradasi lingkungan, hilang atau berubahnya habitat, introduksi ikan asing dan eksploitasi yang berlebihan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji&nbsp;ikan endemik Pulau Bangka&nbsp;<em>Betta burdigala</em>&nbsp;dan upaya pelestariannya sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan ikan asli perairan Bangka.&nbsp;Pengelolaan sumber daya alam tidak dapat terlaksana secara efektif jika hanya dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Diperlukan partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam proses pelaksanaan dan pemantauan pengelolaan sumber daya alam&nbsp;tersebu.&nbsp;Kompleksitas permasalahan yang muncul dalam suatu komunitas seringkali diselesaikan dengan mengacu pada kepekaan komunitas terhadap perlindungan spesies ikan endemik di wilayah tersebut, strategi pengembangan usaha perikanan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara-cara yang bijak dan bertanggung jawab, dengan memperhatikan keberlanjutan ekologi, sosial, ekonomi dan kelestarian sumber daya perikanan. Upaya pelestarian ikan endemik atau lokal dengan cara mengkonservasi pemacuan stok ikan, rehabilitasi lingkungan dan modifikasi habitat dan upaya domestikasinya. Di Pulau Bangka, rehabilitasi perlu dilakukan pada rawa-rawa dan sungai yang tercemar akibat penambangan timah. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan antara lain; membuat kolam untuk menampung limbah agar tidak langsung dibuang ke sungai atau rawa dan menanam tanaman air sebagai tempat berlindung bagi ikan&nbsp;lokal. Selanjutnya benih ikan hasil budidaya (<em>aquaculture</em>) dapat&nbsp;didistribusikan kembali ke habitat aslinya (<em>restocking</em>) untuk menjaga keberadaannya (<em>sustainability</em>).</p> Amalia Wijayanti Eka Putri Madyastuti Cania Putri Nimalasari Gulo Ahmad Fahrul Syarif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-20 2023-11-20 8 2 98 102 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4635