Hak Waris Anak Angkat dalam Perspektif Hukum Waris di Indonesia
Adopted children are children who are not descendants of married couples, but are taken care of and treated as well as their own offspring so that between the adopted child and the person who adopts the child arises a family relationship similar to that between parents and their own biological children. Raising a child can be done to children from the closest family of a married couple, through social services, taking in orphanages or from parties who can be trusted by the couple. Basically, adoption does not obscure the history or origin of the child. Therefore, the process of adopting a child does not just happen but the married couple must go through the procedures and conditions to raise the child. By law, the adoption of children has been stipulated by the State, namely through a District Court Decision. Based on Presidential Regulation No. 96 of 2018 concerning Requirements and Procedures for Population Registration and Civil Registration (hereinafter referred to as Presidential Regulation No. 96 of 2018). Adoption of children often has problems, especially those related to the division of the adoptive parents' inheritance. Based on the diverse inheritance law system in Indonesia, there is a difference in the position of adopted children in obtaining the inheritance of their adoptive parents. Therefore, a way to provide legal counseling related to the Inheritance Rights of Adopted Children in the Perspective of Inheritance Law in Indonesia so that the public gets clear and accurate information related to the topic.
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