• Muhammad Farih Alfaaza Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Keisha Farellia Putri Lindra Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Nabila Ramadhani Muchtar Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • M. Catur Rizky Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • M. Yusron Maulana El-Yunusi Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Yeni Vitrianingsih Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Titik Ustianti Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Andre Yulius Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Tri Susandhi Juliarto Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Didit Darmawan Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
  • Lina Wahyu Indayati Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Jl. Brigjen Katamso II, Bandilan, Kedungrejo, Kec. Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256
Keywords: Health Awareness; Community Service Program; Health Socialization; Free Health Check, Health Awareness; Community Service Program; Health Socialization; Free Health Checkup


The free health check outreach program which was held on August 19 2024 in the environment around campus aims to increase awareness and knowledge of the health of the surrounding community. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), this program involves students and residents in the environment around Sunan Giri University Surabaya. The results of the outreach show that it has succeeded in increasing health awareness and knowledge among the community. The success of this program is supported by the use of clear and interactive communication techniques, and also indicates the need for adjustments in information delivery methods for various audience groups. These findings suggest the need for the development of more inclusive health intervention models and studies of the long-term impacts of such programs to strengthen positive outcomes on public health.


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How to Cite
Alfaaza, M., Lindra, K., Muchtar, N., Rizky, M., El-Yunusi, M., Vitrianingsih, Y., Ustianti, T., Yulius, A., Juliarto, T., Darmawan, D., & Indayati, L. (2024). MENINGKATAN KESADARAN KESEHATAN WARGA SEKITAR LINGKUNGAN KAMPUS: PROGRAM KERJA KKN SOSIALISASI CEK KESEHATAN GRATIS. Dharma Pengabdian Perguruan Tinggi (DEPATI), 4(2), 144-153.