Enviagro: Jurnal Pertanian dan Lingkungan 2024-02-06T02:49:24+00:00 Evahelda Open Journal Systems <p>Enviagro: merupakan jurnal Ilmu ilmu pertanian yang melingkupi hasil penelitian dan pemikiran: dibidang ekologi, sistem pertanian berkelanjutan, fisiologi, pemuliaan tanaman, bioteknologi, ilmu tanah, hama penyakit, pengelolaan lahan, pascapanen, penyuluhan pertanian, komunikasi, pemasaran, studi kelayakan agribisnis, usaha tani, ekonomi sumberdaya alam. Setiap naskah yang dikirim ke Jurnal <em>Enviagro</em> akan ditelaah oleh mitra bestari yang bidangnya sesuai. Daftar nama mitra bestari akan dicantumkan pada nomor paling akhir dari setiap volume. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setahun dua kali: April dan Oktober.</p> Effect of Static Hydroponic and Huett’s Lettuce Concentration Levels on Growth and Yield of Lettuce 2024-02-06T02:49:24+00:00 maera zasari Herry Marta Saputra Sitti Nurul Aini Novitra Anisa <p>&nbsp;Lettuce is a type of vegetable that is produced in a hydroponic system, one of which is a static hydroponic system. Hydroponic lettuce production usually uses a certain level of concentration. This study aims to determine the effect of the hydroponic system, concentration levels, and their interactions on the growth and yield of lettuce. The research was carried out in the research and experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Biology, University of Bangka Belitung, using a factorial randomized block experimental design including a static hydroponic system and various concentrations of Huett's lettuce formulation, repeated 3 times. The results showed that the kratky hydroponic system was the best treatment. The concentration level of 500 ppm showed the highest mean yield. The combination of kratky hydroponic system treatment with a concentration of 500 ppm showed the highest average yield on the growth and yield of lettuce.</p> 2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of the Economic Efficiency of Using Production Factors in Rice Farming in Pemayung District, Batanghari Regency 2023-11-23T03:04:34+00:00 Nopita Seprianti Edison Edison Rozaina Ningsih <p>This research aims to: 1) Understand the general description of lowland rice farming, 2) Analyze the influence of the use of production factors on lowland rice production. This study uses primary data. The sampling method used simple random sampling method with a total of 68 farmers as respondents. The analytical method used to describe lowland rice farming in general uses descriptive qualitative analysis, while to determine the effect of the use of production factors on lowland rice production is multiple linear regression with the Cobb-Douglas production function. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it is found that lowland rice farming in Pemayung District, Batang Hari Regency is a small-scale farming activity which aims to meet daily living needs with local seeds and the use of fertilizers and pesticides which is not yet optimal. Production factors in the form of land area, seeds, urea fertilizer, pesticides and labor have a significant effect on lowland rice production. Meanwhile, the production factor in the form of NPK fertilizer had no significant effect on lowland rice production.</p> 2023-11-22T04:06:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Contribution of the Income of Women Oil Palm Farmworkers to Household Income in Malik Village, South Bangka Regency 2023-11-23T03:04:34+00:00 Rahayu Ayu Yulia Yulia Muntoro Muntoro <p>This study aims to calculate the contribution of the income of women oil palm farmworkers to household income and analyze the factors that affect the income of women oil palm farmworkers in Malik Village, South Bangka Regency. The time and place of this research will be carried out in June 2023 on women oil palm farm workers in Malik Village, Payung District, South Bangka Regency. The research method used in this study is a survey method, and the sampling method used in this study is saturated sampling with a sample size of 34 respondents. The data collection methods used are observation, interview, and questionnaire methods. The data analysis method uses revenue contribution and multiple linear regression with SPSS 26.0 software. The results showed that 1) The total income contribution of women oil palm farmworkers received in May was 188.375%, with an average of 55.40% to household income. 2) The factors affecting the income of women oil palm farm workers in Malik Village are working days, number of family members, and wages.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-22T04:11:27+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Lead (Pb) on the Growth of Two Pepper (Piper Nigrum l) Cultivar 2024-02-06T02:36:20+00:00 Ratna Santi Deni Pratama Nababan TV <p><em>The pepper (Piper nigrum L.) a plantation crop that widely cultivated farmers in Indonesia, especially in Bangka Belitung Islands.</em><em> One of the challenges of pepper cultivation in Bangka Belitung is the reduction in land conversion caused by tin mining. Tin mining causes high levels heavy metal content. </em><em>The heavy metal lead (Pb) is element that can influence </em><em>its </em><em>growth. Pb </em><em>are </em><em>will become an inhibitor of enzyme formation which inhibits plant metabolism</em><em> and effect growh of pepper</em><em>.</em><em> The aim of this research to determine the effect of giving Pb to both varieties and determine which varieties are adaptive in planting media containing Pb. This research was carried out April to July, at Bangka Belitung University. </em><em>The method used was experiment and the design used was a randomized (RAKF). Treatment consists 2 factors.</em> <em>The first factor is&nbsp; Petaling 1 cultivar and the Nyelungkup cultivar.</em><em> The second factor, Pb concentration which consists of Pb concentration of 0 ppm, 100 ppm and 200 ppm. </em><em>Data analysis used the F test (ANOVA) followed the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The research results showed each cultivar did not have a real influence on the observed parameters. </em><em>Aplication</em><em> Pb concentrations 100 and 200 Ppm had effect on plant height, number of leaves, increasing number of shoots, leaf area and root length and root fresh weight. Nyelungkup cultivar is a cultivar that is better able to adapt to growing media contaminated with the heavy metal Pb</em><em> better than Petaling 1</em><em>. </em></p> 2023-11-22T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LOCAL GOVERNMENT’S STRATEGY IN DEVELOPMENT OF BIKANG PINEAPPLE COMODITIES IN TOBOALI DISTRICT 2024-02-06T02:40:47+00:00 Eriko Purnama Evahelda Evahelda Fournita Agustina <p>the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus (L.). In South Bangka Regency, especially in Bikang Village, Toboali District, pineapple has great potential to be developed , there is still a lot of unused land in various locations which is an area that has the potential to develop pineapple.With abundant production of bikang pineapple and it can be developed by innovating processed products, then the economic potential of the bikang pineapple is increasingly promising. So based on this explanation the purpose of this research is to see how the government's strategy is to make Bikang Village a place for downstream development of Pineapple. The research was carried out in Bikang Village, Toboali District, South Bangka Regency with the selection of locations carried out using the purposive method of considering Bikang Village which is a pineapple production center as well as bikang pineapple which has been registered as a local genetic resource. This research is categorized in descriptive qualitative research by observing the stages that have been carried out by the local government. From the results of observations of the stages that have been carried out by the government in making Bikang Village a place for pineapple downstream development, it is concluded that the government has taken definite steps and evidence that the local government is serious about making Bikang Village a place for pineapple downstream development is that the stages that have been implemented have progressed more than 50% and will continue to increase until the level of implementation becomes 100%.</p> 2024-02-06T02:40:47+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##