FROPIL (Forum Profesional Teknik Sipil) <hr> <div align="justify"><strong>p-ISSN&nbsp;2338-2791 </strong>(<em>cetak</em>)&nbsp; &nbsp;<strong> e-ISSN&nbsp;2621-1440</strong> (<em>online</em>)</div> <div align="justify"><strong>FROPIL (Forum Profesional Teknik Sipil)</strong> is a scientific journal of the Department of Civil Engineering, Bangka Belitung University, which is a medium of scientific communication to disseminate information and development of knowledge for researchers and practitioners in the field of Civil Engineering.</div> <div align="justify"><iframe style="border: 0px #ffffff none;" src=";gs=m4ciIvwAAAAJ&amp;sc=5&amp;link=" name="statistik" width="50%" height="265px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0px" marginheight="0px" scrolling="no"></iframe>&nbsp;</div> Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Bangka Belitung en-US FROPIL (Forum Profesional Teknik Sipil) 2338-2791 EVALUASI TEBAL PERKERASAN PADA RUNWAY BANDARA SYUKURAN AMINUDDIN AMIR LUWUK BERDASARKAN CUMULATIVE DAMAGE FAILURE <p><strong><em>Air transportation is a mode of transportation still quite in demand, although recently there has been a decline in passengers. Syukur Aminuddin Amir Luwuk Airport belongs to the category of Class II Domestic Airport with airside facilities, a Runway with a size of 2,250 m x 45 m, a Taxiway 60 m x 18 m, and an Apron with a size of 315 x 15 m. The operation of several types of aircraft with a larger capacity occurs due to the increase in the number of passengers every year. An increase in the number of passengers will certainly have an impact on the number of aircraft movements, it is necessary to analyze how to determine the thickness of the runway pavement which is influenced by the type of aircraft that will operate based on the subgrade conditions that are there using the FAARFIELD method. The results of the evaluation on the thickness of the runway pavement which has a CBR value of 15%, with a pavement thickness of 215 mm for HMA Surface, 152 mm for Crushed Aggregate, and 200 mm for Uncrushed Aggregate with a service life of 20 years in 2040 it was found that the Subgrade CDF value was 0.00 and the HMA CDF of 0.86. The test results with FAARFIELD software change the pavement thickness for the base layer to 152 mm (minimum value) from the value of 100 mm. So planning the thickness of the pavement requires an additional layer of 52 mm.</em></strong></p> Diah Hariyami Arief Setiawan Syamsul Arifin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 57 68 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.3124 PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH CANGKANG KELAPA SAWIT PADA CAMPURAN BETON RINGAN <p>Various kinds of additives have often been carried out in an effort to improve the quality of concrete so that it is higher by utilizing alternative materials that are easily available so that&nbsp; manufacture of concrete becomes economical. This research&nbsp; is the utilization of waste Shell from palm oil in the combination of light congrete where the palm oil shell is&nbsp; used as the substitute of rough agregat both for the half or the whole in the purpose to get the effect of the palm oil shell in making light congrete, rough agregat with the palm oil shell expected&nbsp; with the cultivation of palm oil waste can&nbsp; increase the press power of aggregat. The changing process of palm oil Shell is by counting the volume of rough agregat. The percentage variation of palm oil Shell toward the volume of rough agregat in the combination is as follows 25 percent of&nbsp; palm oil Shell, 50 percent of palm oil shell 75 percent of palm oil Shell and 100 percen of palm oil Shell. From the results of testing the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days obtained an average of 23.86 Mpa. While the results of testing the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days using palm shells at variations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% have an average compressive strength value of 14.9 MPa, 11.6 MPa, 4.25 MPa, and 2.73 MPa.&nbsp;</p> Indrayani Indrayani Ika Sulianti Wahyudi Wahyudi Bahusin Aji Jaya Herbi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 69 76 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.3753 Analysis of the Characteristics and Level of Side Friction of the D.I. Panjaitan Road Section of Kendari City <p>Progress inland transportation has not escaped the emergence of new problems from environmental aspects, accidents, and congestion. Traffic congestion occurs due to the imbalance between the growth of vehicles with improved infrastructure, rapid urbanization, low of discipline of road users, and side friction. Land use, type of road, and size of the city result in the characteristics and level of side friction. From these things, research on the analysis of characteristics and level of side friction on the D.I. Panjaitan Road section of Kendari City became interesting. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of side friction and determine the level of side friction. From research and analysis, it was found that side friction that occurs at three observation points is generally caused by the type of activity of stopped vehicles, parking on street, and vehicles come into and exit from the parking area and coming into or leaving the neighborhood. Based on side friction frequency data at three observation points showed the lowest Side Friction Frequency (SFF) of 33.5 and 39.4 events at point T3, then 67.6 and 64.4 at point T2, and the highest at point T3 70.5 and 59.9 events. The data shows that the side friction class on the road is categorized is very low. The low side friction at the observation location is caused by the observation time carried out during the decline in community activities due to the implementation of health protocols due to the increase in Covid-19 cases</p> Andi Ahdan Amir Muhammad Arsyad Sukman Sukman Diansar Diansar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 77 84 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.3940 EVALUASI MANAJEMEN PEMELIHARAAN ARSITEKTUR, MEKANIKAL, DAN ELEKTRIKAL PADA GEDUNG HOTEL X DI KOTA PADANG <p>Based on the results of field inspections, damage to architectural, mechanical, and electrical components was found in several rooms of Hotel X in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Lack of maintenance is one of the causes of damage to hotel building components. Good maintenance management can reduce repair activities that cost more due to injury. This study aims to evaluate the maintenance management of hotel buildings that have been carried out so far. In this study, researchers conducted surveys and interviews about hotel maintenance management. The survey and discussions focused on the hotel's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for each component reviewed. After obtaining the hotel SOP, the researcher analyzed it by comparing the hotel SOP with the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.24/PRT/M/2008 as a standard in the implementation of building maintenance. From the results of the conformity calculation carried out, the conformity results in each component are architectural components with an average conformity result of 72.38%, mechanical parts with an average conformity result of 88.89%, and electrical components with an average conformity result of 77.78% of a maximum weight of 100%. This percentage of conformity weight shows that the hotel's maintenance management concerning the Ministerial Regulation is quite good. Still, to further optimize maintenance activities, it is necessary to plan better standard operating procedures, cost planning, and maintenance schedules to support implementing Hotel X building maintenance in the future.</p> Hanif Sufran Muhammad Ilham Maulana Rahmi Hidayati Merley Misriani Jumyetti Jumyetti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 85 92 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.4630 Reviu Desain Struktur Bawah Bangunan Gedung: Studi Kasus Pengecekan Kekuatan Pondasi Tapak Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 12 Muntei, Mentawai <p>Muntei is one of the villages in South Siberut, Mentawai Island Regency. The Mentawai Island located in West Sumatera and are outside the territory of the island of Sumatera, including one of the outermost islands in this Province. Mentawai is one of the areas in West Sumatera that is frequently shaken by earthquake. So, the implementation of earthquake resistant building standars is an important factor that must be considered in efforts to reduce disaster risk, considering that West Sumatera is one of the areas with a high earthquake risk. The implementation of earthquake resistant building standards should have started during the planning process. As one of the outermost province Mentawai is also lagging behind in infrastructure development, so sustainable development needs to be carried out to make Mentawai come out of being behind compare to other&nbsp; district in the West Sumatera. The review design of the site foundation of the SDN 12 Muntei school building aims to ensure the carrying capacity of the foundation.&nbsp; To obtain maximum axial value of the building, modeling was carried out using the sap2000 application. From the modeling and data analysis can be concluded that the foundation&nbsp; does not meet the requirements and is unable to carry the maximum load of the building. The allowable capacity of foundation permit for the SDN 12 Muntei is 12.96 Tonenes, while the maximum load on the building is 34.57 tonnes. The result of this analysis show that the foundation is not good and must be repaired.</p> Winda Fitria Merley Misriani Elvi Roza Syofyan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 93 101 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.4656 ANALISA PERBANDINGAN BIAYA DAN WAKTU PELAKSANAAN DINDING PENAHAN TANAH SECANT PILE DENGAN DIAPHRAGM WALL PADA PROYEK REVITALISASI TAMAN ISMAIL MARZUKI <p>&nbsp;The construction of a basement for parking lots requires a soil retaining wall structure that can withstand its own load and the load around it and must be safe against sliding, rolling and collapse. The choice of soil retaining wall type is an important decision in development projects because it affects the cost, quality and time of implementation. Secant pile soil retaining wall is a type of soil retaining wall using the method of arranging concrete poles that are arranged intersectingly to withstand soil thrust. Diaphragm wall is a type of soil retaining wall that uses reinforced concrete to withstand the lateral force of the soil made by filling concrete that has been made first and filled with bentonite slurry as a stabilizer of the excavated wall, then filled with concrete after the reinforcement cage is installed. Later it will be compared with the diaphragm wall in terms of cost and implementation time. The data needed in this analysis are shop drawing secant pile, technical specifications, unit price of work, and detailed geotechnical design engineering. From the results of the study, it was found that the cost of secant pile work amounted to Rp. 24,560,508,232.00 with an implementation time of 214 working days. As for the diaphragm wall, a work fee of Rp.30,059,442,748.00 was obtained with an implementation time of 246 working days. The application of secant pile is 18.29% cheaper and 32 days faster than diaphragm wall.</p> Silvianengsih Silvianengsih Merley Misriani Monika Natalia Gheniy Ihdini Jamilatul Fadila ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 11 2 102 111 10.33019/fropil.v11i2.5021