Author Guidelines

A. General Requirements
Fropil only accepts original papers that have never been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal welcomes submissions written in either English or Indonesia. The submitted paper's length is at least 8 pages and no more than 12 pages, including tables, figures, illustrations, and references). Editors consider the paper more than 12 pages with certain conditions. The journal should use consistent APA citation style and is highly recommended to use citation manager tools such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting. The article submitted by the author should not exceed 25% similarity index by using Turnitin. Make sure that your paper is prepared using the Journal Template Eng (NEW) or Journal Template Ind (NEW)
B. Type of Paper
Research Articles
Research articles present original research that is expected to present significant findings to the body of knowledge in a given area. Research articles generally consist of a title and abstract, an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.
Review Articles
Review articles describe critical and comprehensive reviews of the current state of the research on a particular topic. Reviews articles contain a title and abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, significant gaps in the research, current debates, and the future direction for resolving research questions.
C. Structure of the Manuscript
The manuscript must be prepared and suggested present follow the structure:
  1. Title. The title should be brief, informative and indicates the main point of the paper. The title length max 14 words, without Acronym or abbreviation.
  2. Abstract. The Abstract has a maximum of 250 words; No citation; State in the abstract a primary objective, methodology, main outcomes and results, and the conclusions.
  3. Section structure. Authors are suggested to present their articles in the section structure: Introduction -  Method - Results and Discussion – Conclusion.
  4. References. Required at least 15 references, and 80% of them should be from journal articles.
The names and email addresses of all authors should be filled in when submitting the article. One author should be designated as the corresponding author and provide the following information:
  • E-mail address
  • Full postal address
  • Telephone and fax numbers
Please note that any papers which fail to meet our requirements will be returned to the author for amendment. The Editors will consider only papers that are submitted in the correct style.