Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

This Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement outlines the ethical responsibilities and practices expected of all parties engaged in the publication process of this journal. The parties involved include the author, the editor, the reviewer, and the publisher. This statement is grounded in the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1. Duties of Authors:

a. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that the submitted work is entirely original, and any sources or works of others are properly cited. Plagiarism, in any form, is unacceptable.

b. Authorship: All authors listed on a manuscript must have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. Proper acknowledgment of all sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest is essential.

c. Data and Reproducibility: Authors should provide access to the data supporting their work where feasible and prioritize the replicability of their experiments and analyses.

d. Multiple Submissions: Authors should not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.

2. Duties of Editors:

a. Publication Decisions: Editors should make decisions based on the quality, originality, and relevance of the work, rather than commercial interests.

b. Confidentiality: Editors and editorial staff must maintain the confidentiality of all submitted manuscripts and not disclose information about them.

c. Peer Review: Editors should ensure a fair and unbiased peer review process, free from conflicts of interest.

d. Dealing with Misconduct: Editors should handle allegations of misconduct with due diligence and fairness, taking appropriate actions when ethical breaches are confirmed.

3. Duties of Reviewers:

a. Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process and declare any conflicts of interest.

b. Constructive Feedback: Reviewers should provide objective, constructive feedback to improve the quality of the manuscript.

4. Duties of the Publisher:

a. Editorial Independence: The publisher should respect and uphold the editorial independence of the journal.

b. Quality Assurance: The publisher should work to ensure the quality of published content, facilitate the investigation of ethical concerns, and, when necessary, facilitate the publication of corrections and retractions.

5. Ethical Treatment of Subjects:

a. Research involving human or animal subjects must adhere to established ethical guidelines and obtain the necessary approvals.

6. Copyright and Licensing:

a. Authors should understand the copyright and licensing agreements associated with their publication.

7. Reporting Misconduct:

a. All stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, and readers, are encouraged to report any suspected ethical misconduct to the relevant authorities.

8. Compliance:

a. Failure to comply with this ethical statement may result in sanctions, including retractions and disqualification from future publication in the journal.

9. Review and Update:

a. This Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement will be periodically reviewed and updated to align with evolving ethical standards and practices.

We, as a journal, are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in the publication of research and scholarly work. This statement serves as a guiding framework for all parties involved in the publication process, ensuring the integrity and credibility of our journal's content.