Persepsi Dan Partisipasi Pengunjung Terhadap Permasalahan Sampah Laut (Marine Debris) Di Pantai Temberan Kabupaten Bangka Dan Pantai Pasir Padi Pangkalpinang

Keywords: Perception, Participation, Problems, Density, Marine Debris


This study aims to analyze the value of the density of marine debris, perceptions and participation in Temberan beach and Pasir Padi beach, as well as determine the relationship of perception and participation to the density of marine debris. This research is a type of research that is descriptive with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). The study was conducted at Temberan beach in Bangka Regency and Pasir Pasir Beach Pangkal Pinang in October 2019. The sampling technique used was random sampling and purposive sampling. The data collection technique was carried out using observation technique namely sampling and questionnaire. The validity test uses the Pearson Product Moment formula and the reliability test uses the Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The results showed that the density of debris in the Temberan beach was more dominant at 10.92 pieces/meter2, while at Temberan beach 3 pieces/meter2. The results of perception and participation are different, with the Temberan beach occupying more complex waste problems. The relationship of perception and participation in the density of marine debris have a relationship that affects each other.


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