Morphological Dynamics on Tidal Inlet System by Generating Variability of Tidal-Wave Energy Regimes; A Process-Based Model Approach of Tide Dominated Case and Mixed Tide Dominated Case


A process-based approach of 2D morphodynamic modeling is an alternative technique to investigate the morphological evolution in the long-term period. In the conceptual model application, there is two methodologies of morphodynamic model; realistic-based model (short time scale model in days/months) and realistic-analogue model which is called process-based model (long time scale model in ~100 years). Realistic-based model is the representative of generating force with complexity of real condition model in the field, however process-based model is the simplification of forcing model by representing the major factor. In this study, the domain model is as the adaptation of Dutch Wadden Zee tidal inlet system. A couple model technique of Flow module (Delft3d) and Wave module (X-Beach) is implemented into the model system. The tidal forcing is based on one main harmonic tidal component of M2 and super harmonic tidal component of M4 and M6 from the analysis harmonic of ZUNO model. The wave forcing is 1.4 m and 330 deg as the representative wave climate condition in Wadden Zee. A process-based model shows that initially the morphological response leading into establish-state condition. Tidal wave propagation which leads to stronger cross-shore ebb-flow perpendicular to the coastline contributes in morphological evolution inside the basin and forming the outer part of the inlet (ebb-tidal delta). Wave induce current in mixed-tide energy case are as the major contribution of stirring up sediments from the sea bed, leads to transport sediment because of longshore currents process, undertow, mass transport.


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