Revitalizing Family Resilience as An Effort to Prepare The Golden Generation in Paudud and TK Citra Insani Betak Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java

Revitalisasi Ketahanan Keluarga sebagai Upaya untuk Menyiapkan Generasi Emas di Paud dan TK Citra Insani Desa Betak, Kecamatan Kalidawir, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur

  • Siti Mas'udah
  • Sri Endah Kinasih
  • Yuyun Wahyu Izzati Surya


Children are the next generation of the nation. In the future, the leadership of this nation is in their hands. Therefore, children must be well prepared. The role of parents is very large in socializing children. Therefore, parents' knowledge about childcare must be improved. In this case, the family plays an important role in producing a qualified next generation because at a macro level, the resilience of the nation depends on the resilience of the family. In the future, this nation will be led by the generation that is currently experiencing socialization in the family. Therefore, on a micro level, parents must be empowered because socialization starts from the family. Increasing parents' knowledge is done by making efforts to revitalize family functions in preparing the golden generation.

Keywords: Anak-anak, Masa Depan, Orang Tua, Generasi


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How to Cite
Mas’udah, S., Kinasih, S., & Surya, Y. (2022). Revitalizing Family Resilience as An Effort to Prepare The Golden Generation in Paudud and TK Citra Insani Betak Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung, 9(1), 26-36.
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