Welding is the process of combining two or more base metals together on the contact surface with or without additives and fillers. Welding divided into two main categories namely Liquid-State Welding and Solid-State Welding. Friction Stir Welding is one of example in welding Solid-State Welding (Non-Fusion Welding).
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust, and the third largest element after oxygen and silicon. Aluminum is a chemical element located in group 13 of period 3 with the symbol Al with atomic number 13. Aluminum is made of 66% bauxite and 33% clay. Aluminum is one of the materials that is often used as a connection raw material for welding Friction Stir Welding.
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) or Las Gesek Puntir is a welding rotating process that twists the tool by using heat and vigor energy without additives until take a change delivery to the end of the base metal. Parameter of welding process done in this research that is a tool translation rate, 16 mm/minutes dan 22 mm/minutes with tool of rotations 2000 rpm using a changing spiral form indenter type. Tests conducted are, tensile testing, violent testing and chemical composition testing.
The results of this research were found in the translation rate of the tool, heat treatment and welding speed greatly affect the mechanical characteristics of aluminium 1xxx series and 5xxx series that were welded. The translation rate of 22 mm / minute will increase the value of hardness and tensile strength better than the translation rate of 16 mm / minute, but it does not have a significant impact on the chemical elements in it.
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