Drying is one way to extend the shelf life of agricultural products. The drying process can be done by using conventional methods or a dryer. Dryer could utilize solar energy and others. The disadvantage of conventional drying by using solar energy is that very dependent on weather, while dryer with other energy sources such as electricity and fuel need an additional cost. For this reason, dryer with cheaper energy sources was needed, such as the use of husk waste. In addition to cheap, husk waste was also obtained easily. This study examined the use of dryer using rice husk waste for drying chili. The tool designed consists of husk burning furnaces, heat exchanger pipes and drying cabinets. A heat exchanger pipe is intended so that dry products were not contaminated with burning husks. The results showed that material weight, water content, crushing rate and drying efficiency decreased with time. The temperature of the drying cabinet ranges from 50 to 600 C with an air flow rate of 0.49 m3 / min. this tool can reduce chili water content 85.8% to 58.2% in 900 minutes, with an average efficiency of 22%.
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