Fish scales are the result of fish waste that is often found in the community environment. Fish scales are usually immediately discarded In this study to a fish scales shredder was designed to destroy fish scales into powder. This machine uses crushed system consisting of 8 rotary blades and 4 fixed blades which are directly from the shaft of the electric motor. This machine is operated by using an electric motor by using an engine shaft, bearings and chopper blades. In this study, calculations, design and testing of fish scales shredder with experimental material, namely fish scales, leaves and twigs. In this study, the electric motor power used is 1 hp that can work 8 hours / day with an average production capacity of 10 kg / day. The diameter of the shaft used is 8 mm with S35C-D material. The results of this shredder research machine are more optimally used in leaf material.
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