• Dara Ginanti Sampoerna University
Keywords: Child seat, motorcycle usage, structure design, strength analysis, static and fatigue loads.


Many people in Indonesia are having a serious safety issue in bringing their children to ride a motorcycle. A proper child seat is needed to guarantee the safety of the child and the rider itself. In this paper, the structural design of a child seat for a motorcycle using a spring-damper system is presented as a reference to build a safe and comfortable seat. Analysis of the static condition, dynamics condition, buckling, and also fatigue is also done calculated and it is resulting in some safety factors. The safety factors are found to be in the range of 1-11. Based on that analysis result, the conclusion that can be highlighted is that the child seat is safe. Due to some concern related to safety, this innovation is recommended to be applied for mass production, furthermore, improvement, and optimization is also possible for this design.


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How to Cite
Ginanti, D. (2021). STRUCTURE DESIGN AND STRENGTH ANALYSIS OF CHILD SEAT FOR MOTORCYCLE. Machine : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 7(1), 38-45.