• Elyas Kustiawan Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Eka Sari Wijianti Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Saparin Saparin Universitas Bangka Belitung
Keywords: Biomass, briqette, rubber shells, stem of senggani, pressure on briquette printing




Briquettes or better known as charcoal fuel is biomass energy as one form of alternative energy. Briquettes have good prospects for development because of their easy manufacturing and availability of raw materials that are abundant in nature. Therefore, this research attempts to make briquettes with a combination of rubber shells and senggani. Both materials are plants that are very much found in the region of Bangka Belitung, especially in plantation areas and forest areas. The research was conducted to know the characteristics of briquettes include moisture content, ash content and heat value according to SNI 01-6235-2000 quality standard. Briquettes are made with a variety of mixed rubber shells: 100%: 0%, 75%: 25%, 50%: 50%, 25%: 75%: 0%: 100%. Adhesives use starches of starch as much as 10 grams per mixture composition. Briquettes are printed at a fixed pressure of 90 psi. To speed up the drying process, the briquette is dried in an oven at 80oC for 16 hours. The results showed that for all variations of briquette mixture composition, water content was still above 8% (not yet fulfill SNI standard), ash content was below 8% (meet SNI standard) and heat value above 5000 Kal / g SNI). The best composition variation is 75% composition of rubber shell and 25% senggani wood with 10.56% moisture content, ash content of 4.19% and calorific value of 6123.23 cal / g. This is due to the shell of the rubber fruit as a carrier of the characteristic characteristics of briquettes better than the senggani.


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How to Cite
Kustiawan, E., Wijianti, E., & Saparin, S. (2018). KARAKTERISTIK BRIKET BERBAHAN CAMPURAN CANGKANG BUAH KARET DAN BATANG SENGGANI DENGAN TEKANAN PENCETAKAN 90 PSI. Machine : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 4(1), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.33019/jm.v4i1.449

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