• Herwandi Herwandi Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Robert Napitupulu Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung




Research concerning rekel (resam and kelapa) fiber for composite material had been done by the author since 2013 until 2015. In 2015, The author had done test of a chemical with NaOH to resam fiber. Result showed that the composite met the standard car dashboard. Therefore, Study is conducted to see the effect of rekel fiber with NaOH. The purpose of research was to obtain new composite materials, the result of a chemical treatment with NaOH to rekel fiber. The stages of the process consist of making test samples, mechanical testing and data analysis. The materials for making the samples comprise of fiber, resin Yukalac 157 BQTN-EX, MEKPO as  a hardener, 5 % NaOH and Wax glasses. The size of the test sample was based on standard tensile test (ASTM D 638), flexure (ASTM D 790) and impact (ISO 179). The highest value of tensile was 24,4 MPa, elastic modulus 6686 MPa and a strain 0,38%. The maximum value of the flexure strain was 94,85 MPa and a flexural modulus 4141,5 MPa, while the highest value of  impact was 55,81 kJ/m2.  Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the results of test met the standard plastic used for car dashboard.

Keywords: Rekel fiber, composite, NaOH, tensile test, flexure test, impact test


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How to Cite
Herwandi, H., & Napitupulu, R. (2017). PENINGKATAN KUALITAS SERAT REKEL UNTUK BAHAN KOMPOSIT SEBAGAI BAHAN KOMPONEN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR. Machine : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 3(2), 9-15. Retrieved from
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