Senggani plant (Melastoma Candidum d. Don) is a plant that grows wild in a place that gets sufficient sunlight, such as in the fields, in the Bush and on the edge of the Marsh that is not be used at all so is the abundance of waste charcoal form mangrove bark a lot there is a Pagarawan village charcoal in craftsman wasted. Therefore the aim of this research is utilizing both such material as a fuel alternative that is briquettes. As the main ingredients of this research using 100% wood senggani and 100% mangrove bark charcoal with pressure 80 Psi, 100 Psi and 120 Psi. Drying using an electric oven with a temperature of 600 C for 24 hours. The emphasis/briquette presses, this process was intended to batter briquettes with effectiveness and results to good. The results showed that the value of the lowest water levels on treatment with pressure 80 Psi-based mangrove bark of 13.85%. The value of the lowest levels of ash on treatment with pressure 100 Psi made from wood senggani of 1.62%. The highest heat value is present on the treatment with pressure 80 Psi-based mangrove bark of 5366.35 CAL/g. test results drop shatter test showed good briquettes index, because it is not the destruction of briquettes while the testing done as high as 1.8 m. Results obtained at the treatment the best briquettes 100% wood charcoal senggani with 120 Psi pressure mengasilkan low levels of ash of 1.62% even though the value of the heat does not meet the standards.
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