Noviyanti Nugraha3, Moh. Azis M2, Odi Fauzi3, Irvan Ulum4 1, 2, 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, National Institute of Technology Jl. P.H.H.Mustofa No. 23. Bandung, 40124. 3 P4TK Industrial Machinery and Engineering Jl Pesantren km 2 Cibabat, Cimahi Email: noviyanti.nugraha.itenas@gmail.com,

  • noviyanti nugraha Itenas


Household waste, which is vegetable waste, is organic waste that can be recycled or reprocessed. One effort to process organic waste is by processing it into compost. To speed up the composting process, a composter is needed. In previous studies, a rotary type communal household composter machine with a capacity of 40 kg of waste was designed and made. The purpose of this study was to test the 40 kg horizontal type communal composter with the results of the development carried out in previous studies. Experiments were carried out at the drum rotation 25 rpm and 30 rpm, by turning the composter every day one playback with the playback time of 2 and 7 minutes carried out until the compost was cooked. The parameters are the length of composting time, temperature, pH, water content, carbon and nitrogen content. The target of the composting process is 14 days or 2 weeks. The results obtained by composting time are 14 and 11 days, the maximum temperature in the thermophilic phase is 70 oC, max PH 7, max carbon content 33%, max nitrogen content 1.2%, max C / N ratio 32.6, moisture content max 35.3%, the compost content produced for the C / N ratio above the 2004 SNI standard is 3%, while the other results are in average according to the SNI standard.

Keywords: Composter, Waste, Organic, Compost


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How to Cite
nugraha, noviyanti. (2020). C PENGUJIAN MESIN KOMPOSTER KOMUNAL SAMPAH RUMAH TANGGA TIPE ROTARY HORIZONTAL KAPASITAS 40 KG. Machine : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 6(1), 8-13. https://doi.org/10.33019/jm.v6i1.800
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