Cassava and rubber shell can be used as raw material of briquettes. The purpose of this research is to know the best drying temperature for briquettes and mixing of cotton and rubber shells against moisture content, density, ash content, volatile content, carbon content and heat value. Materials briquettes in this study are cassava leather and rubber shell with starch starch adhesive and made at heating temperature of 1000C, 2000C and 2500C. The results showed that the best temperature in the manufacture of briquettes was found at 2500C and the best mixture was found in a mixture composition of 25% of the skin of the rubber fruit and 75% of the cassava leather. The lowest water content is 7.10%, and the highest carbon content is 45.98% and has the highest calorific value of 6901,451Kal / g.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Yudi Setiawan, Eka Sari Wijianti, Ibnu Dinar

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