Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara pada PT Asia Multi Invesama di Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi

  • Shilvyanora Aprilia Rande Teknik Pertambangan STTNAS Yogyakarta
Keywords: Conformity land, Reclamation, Revegetation


Every activity mining always pertaining to the environment so that are obliged to apply rules mining
technique good, among others to carry out the management and environmental monitoring mining
including reclamation activities. The environment quality will go down caused by clearing land so as to
interfere with ecosystem that is in them. The administration land done PT AMI are stockpiling back
holes former mine done by means of back filling and stockpiling by means of the material heaps at
waste dump area. The condition design waste dump is still considered not yet safe especially the form
of heap and arrangement layers material heap of which are not based on to the level of his layers.
Activities revegetation PT AMI undertaken by those species of plants and mahogany trembesi not in
accordance with the hue early research sites and land use in spatial planning Kabupaten Tebo. Based
on the evaluation of conformity and management of land that in order to land a former mine is aimed
more compatible by doing revegetasi in the form of a kind of the rubber plant. In reaching the level of
success revegetasi, needs to be planting cover crop and weed control so that plants can grow well.


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How to Cite
Rande, S. (2018). Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara pada PT Asia Multi Invesama di Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi. PROMINE, 4(1).