Metode Point Kriging Untuk Estimasi Sumberdaya Bijih Besi (Fe) Menggunakan Data Assay (3D) Pada Daerah Tanjung Buli Kabupaten Halmahera Timur
Point kriging Method for Estimation Resources of Iron Ore (Fe) Use Assay Data (3D) of Tanjung Buli area, East Halmahera Regency
This research was conducted in the area Tanjung Buli, East Halmahera regency. This area has iron
ore resources in the prospects for exploration to exploitation with data obtained using spaced borehole
25meter. Point kriging method with software SGeMS (Standard Geostatistic Modeling software) used
for assessing of iron ore resource with size of block model dimensions 41x23x205 and unit blocks
25x25x1 (in meters). The results of the assessment point kriging method obtained estimated values of
Fe and kriging variance value is then used for the classification of resources based on relative kriging
standard deviation (RKSD) as classification of resource measured, indicated, and inferred. The results
of cross-validation of the assay data-Fe-Fe estimation data from point kriging method. The results of
resource assessment Fe of measured amounted to 3,081,125 tonnes, Indicated amounted to
6,878,563 tonnes and Inferred amounted to 97,781,563 tonnes. The pattern of spread showed high Fe
content above 14.40% Fe dispersed randomly (varies) or local-local in units of small blocks.
Correlation coefficient value showed of 0.89 so it has a strong correlation between the assay data-Fe
with Fe estimation data.