Geologi Dan Pengaruh Struktur Geologi Terhadap Kualitas Batubara pada Satuan Batupasir Kampungbaru Daerah Mutiara dan Sekitarnya Kecamatan Samboja Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
Geology and Geological Structure Influence on the Quality of Coal At Sandstone Unit Kampungbaru, Mutiara And Surrounding Area, Samboja district, Kutai Kartanegara Regency East Kalimantan Province
Study area is located in Mutiara and surrounding area, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency,
East Kalimantan Province. At coordinates 0° 56’ 43’’ - 0° 59’ 26’’ South Latitude and 117° 1’ 37’’ - 117°
3’ 46’’ East Longitude or UTM N 9890500 - 9895500 and E 503000 - 507000. The objective of this
study is to identify geological conditions and the influence of geological structure toward to quality of
coal in the study area. The stratigraphy of study area composed by 3 rock units and 1 unconsolidated
from old to young are Balikpapan sandstone unit (Middle Miocene - Late Miocene) deposited in Lower
Delta Plain, Kampungbarusandstone unit (Late Miocene - Pliocene) deposited in Lower Delta Plain,
and Quarter Alluvial (Holocene). From proximate analyses, coal seam Kampungbaru Sandstone Unit
contain low sulfur and low calories, and high total moisture due to presence of two normal faults from
subsurface interpretation that formed simultaneously with peatification process on coal seam
Kampungbaru Sandstone unit. Those normal faults resulted water increase on peatification
environtment that caused aerobic bacteria can not completely ondestruction of plant components that
will form high sulfur and low calories and high total moisture.