Evaluasi Kelayakan Sumber Air Baku pada Kolong yang Tercemar Tailing dari Aktivitas Remaining Bijih Timah

Water Resource Suitability Evaluation of Any Contaminant Pond Mining Tailing from Tin Ore Remaining Activity in Bangka Island

  • Janiar Pitulima Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Irvani Irvani Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung
Keywords: water, evaluation, quality, kolong


Land Clearing for tin ore mining on Bangka Island for hundreds of years produces mine ponds called
kolong. Water resources at the old age kolong have been utilized by the community as a source of
domestic water, including the source of water by Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM). Illegal tin
ore mining since 2000 until now by the community (unconventional mining) has caused pollution of
PDAM water resources by mining waste of tailings. Primary and secondary data collection has been
done on Kolong PDAM Tirta Bangka, PDAM Tirta Pinang and PDAM Sejiran Setason. Physical data
collection of water and sediments to obtain parameters of temperature, smell, soluble and suspended
solids and turbidity. Chemical analysis of water and sediments including pH, heavy metal of Fe, Al, Pb,
and Cu using AAS and XRF. Feasibility evaluation of the water using Permenkes RI Number
907/Menkes/SK/VII/2002. Heavy metals were founded on all the water of kolong are Fe, Al, Cu and
Pb. Heavy metal in sediment are Fe, Cu, Pb, Sn and As. Kolong Merawang has a large distribution of
Fe, Al, Cu and Pb in water and sediment. Al metal exceeds the threshold in Kolong Merawang and
Pedindang (1.01 mg/L and 0.35 mg/L). The Fe composition at all kolong sediment is very large in
number. The distribution of dissolved Pb metal in water exceeds the threshold at all kolong, especially
on sediment of Kolong Merawang and Pedindang. Water resources at all kolong have met in physical
feasibility but exclude their chemistry


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How to Cite
Pitulima, J., & Irvani, I. (2018). Evaluasi Kelayakan Sumber Air Baku pada Kolong yang Tercemar Tailing dari Aktivitas Remaining Bijih Timah. PROMINE, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.33019/promine.v4i2.109