Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Zonasi Kawasan Pertambangan Majenang-Bantarkawung
GIS Application For Majenang-Bantarkawung Mining Zonation
The position of Majenang-Bantarkawung region become important and strategic because has a lot of
mineral and coal resources. However, there is no effort in mining area regulation to optimalization
management of mining resources who can useful for people prosperity. Mining zonation of Majenang-
Bantarkawung make with weighting and scoring in determination of mining parameters than
processing the parameters with overlay method. The parameters are : Land height, Land elevation,
Disaster-prone areas, Overburden thickness, Ground water, River area, Water infiltration areas,
Forest areas and Agricultural area. According to overlay of 10 mining parameters, Majenang-
Bantarkawung mining zonation can be divided into can be permitted to mined, can be permitted to
mined with certain condition, and can’t be permitted to mined. Banyumas regency has 61 distribution
of mining resources location. Cilacap regency has 75 distribution of mining resources location. Brebes
regency has 53 distribution of mining resources location.