The Wave Effect Analysis Caused By Blasting Toward Highwall Slope Stability At Coal Mining, Pit 3000 Block 05 Sb 1, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, Kutai Western District, East Kalimantan Province

  • Guntur Suryo Putro Mining Engineering of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
  • Bambang Wisaksono Mining Engineering of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
  • S Koesnaryo Mining Engineering of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Keywords: Blasting, Ground Vibration, Peak Particle Velocity (PPV), Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA), Horizontal Maximum Acceleration (amax)


PT Trubaindo Coal Mining (PT TCM) is a coal mining company located in West Kutai, East Kalimantan.
Demolition of overburden layer is done by drilling and blasting can effect results primarily blasting
ground vibration for highwall slope stability. Controlled blasting activities undertaken in 3000 Pit Block
05 using linedrill. Vibration measurement data obtained from the reading apparatus is not necessarily
a factor affecting vibration highwall slope stability, but with the direction of propagation horizontal
vibrations that cause the decrease highwall slope stability. The maximum horizontal acceleration
arising from blasting activities as parameters that play a role in the stability of the slope obtained by
linking the PPA with the equation Amax = 0.5167 x PPA. Therefore, to determine the effect of ground
vibration due to blasting for highwall slope stability modeling needs to be done cross-section A-A ', BB',
C-C ', D-D' and E-E '. Results of prediction equations safety factor value of each cross-section as
 Section of A-A’, FK = 5,1489 amax 6 – 32,719 amax 5 + 79,933 amax 4 – 93,928 amax 3 + 54,189 amax 2 – 13,898 amax + 1,30852
 Section of B-B’, FK = 0,4838 amax 6 – 3,0058 amax 5 + 7,0149 amax 4 – 7,6767 amax 3 + 4,4953 amax 2 – 2,4997 amax + 1,44549
 Section of C-C’, FK = 1,2021 amax 6 – 7,4203 amax 5 + 16,907 amax 4 – 17,239 amax 3 + 8,0429 amax 2 – 2,8212 amax + 1,3628
 Section of D-D’, FK = 5,279a amax 6 – 33,941 amax 5 + 84,105 amax 4 – 100,68 amax 3 + 59,648 amax 2 – 15,946 amax + 1,57907
 Section of E-E’, FK = -1,9442 amax 6 + 11,453 amax 5 – 24,289 amax 4 + 20,677 amax 3 – 2,7313 amax 2 – 4,8741 amax + 1,65573
The calculation results of critical maximum horizontal acceleration for every cross-section varies as
the follows:
 Section of A-A’, amax-critical = 0,007 g
 Section of B-B’, amax-critical = 0,118 g
 Section of C-C’, amax-critical = 0,062 g
 Section of D-D’, amax-critical = 0,025 g
 Section of E-E’, amax-critical = 0,09 g
Variation is influenced by the thickness of the layer of top soil (top soil) and any cross-sectional
geometry highwall slope.


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How to Cite
Putro, G., Wisaksono, B., & Koesnaryo, S. (2018). The Wave Effect Analysis Caused By Blasting Toward Highwall Slope Stability At Coal Mining, Pit 3000 Block 05 Sb 1, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, Kutai Western District, East Kalimantan Province. PROMINE, 5(1).