Studi Keterdapatan Unsur Tanah Jarang REE Ce dan Y pada Berbagai Kolong di Pulau Bangka

The Study of Rare Elements Ce and Y from Some Kolong in Bangka Island

  • Irvani Irvani Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Janiar Pitulima Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Universitas Bangka Belitung
Keywords: kolong, rare earth


Rare earth element REE is very potential future prospect mineral resources in Bangka Island, hence a
well developed REE must have a high economic value in the future. As one of the biggest region that
producing tin ore mining (cassiterite) for hundreds of years, REE potential not yet explored and
exploited well until now days in Bangka Island, and was left abundant in ex-mining area. They carried
out from the tin ore mining and become mine waste or tailing and then through the stream flows to be
suspension or bed load sediment. The aim of this study is to identify the present rare earth Ce and Y
based on shallow surface sediment samples and their spatial distribution from a number of mine
ponds called kolong. Primary data collection of shallow surface sediments has been collected on
Kolong Argotirto and Menjelang West Bangka District, Kolong PLN and Merawang in Bangka District,
Kolong Rentensi Kacang Pedang and Pedindang in Pangkalpinang City. Geochemical sediments
analysis just for identification the presence of rare earth Ce and Y. Rare earth element of cerium
(Ce) just presence in a few sample sediment, but for yittrium (Y) almost presence at all shallow
surface sediment 0,9 - 31,6 ppm. The spatial distribution of rare earth Ce and Y show heterogeneity in


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How to Cite
Irvani, I., & Pitulima, J. (2018). Studi Keterdapatan Unsur Tanah Jarang REE Ce dan Y pada Berbagai Kolong di Pulau Bangka. PROMINE, 5(1).