Level of Land Damage Due to the Mining of Mineral Bukan Logam and Batuan in Semin, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Mining activities often cause land damage. Land damage can be monitored from time to time, so it can
be controlled and solved. This research was conducted in Semin, Gunungkidul Regency, Special
Region of Yogyakarta, from November 2017 until March 2018. Semin area consist of many mining
activities and also directly adjacent with Central Java Province in the east and north. Therefore, the
study of land damage caused by mining activities in this area is very important. The purpose of this
research is to know and study the condition of land damage caused by current mining activities. The
method used in this research is weighting method by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to
some parameters which mostly refers to the Decision of Governor of DIY Number 63 year 2003 as
observed parameter, that is 1) The character of rock compilation of excavation, 2) rock fracturing level
3) Utilization and management of top soil, 4) Depth of excavation / height of wall, 5) Limit of slope of
excavation, 6) Reclamation time, 7) Amount of erosion, 8) River flow / sedimentation. The level of
damage is divided into three, based on the value, that is 1) Good (1.00-1.66), 2) Medium (1.67 - 2.33),
and 3) Damaged (2.34 - 3.00). Total mine sites observed were 81 mine sites. There are 10 mine sites
included in the Good category, 68 mine sites belonging to the Medium category, and 3 mine sites in
the Damaged category.