The Effect of Discontinuity on Stability of Displaced Rock Slope Case Study Andesite Quarry PT Lola Laut Timur Bogor Regency

  • Andesta Granitio Irwan UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
  • S. Koesnaryo
  • Barlian Dwinagara
  • Singgih Saptono
Keywords: discontinuity, persistent, intrusion, roughness, safety factor


Discontinuity in a rock mass has an influence on the stability of a rock slope because it is one of the controlling  factors  of  slope  failure.  In  this  study,  an  analysis  was  carried  out  on  the  role  of

discontinuities, namely joints and  lithic  tuff  layers  on slope stability and the  effect of  persistent

parameters and joint roughness on the safety factor of safety factor. The analysis used is the effect of changes in the thickness of the lithic tuff, persistence and the value of joint roughness on the value of the safety factor. Processing of slope stability data using Rocscience RS2  Software with Finite Element Method modeling with rock mass modeling used in the analysis, namely the Veneziano Model. The results showed that an increase in the thickness of the lithic tuff layer resulted in a decrease in the safety factor of the slope up to 1.37%. The effect of the persistence parameter on the slope safety factor was found that the higher the persistence value, the lower the slope safety factor value up to 2,9% and changes in the JRC value decreased the safety factor value up to 1,7%.


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How to Cite
Irwan, A., Koesnaryo, S., Dwinagara, B., & Saptono, S. (2022). The Effect of Discontinuity on Stability of Displaced Rock Slope Case Study Andesite Quarry PT Lola Laut Timur Bogor Regency. PROMINE, 9(2), 55-60.