Kajian Ketahanan Batuan Clay Shale Formasi Jatiluhur di Sentul City Jawa Barat

Study of Durability Clay Shale Jatiluhur Formation at Sentul City West Java

  • Revia Oktaviani Jurusan Teknik Teknik Sipil, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung
  • Paulus P Raharjo Jurusan Teknik Teknik Sipil, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung
  • Imam A Sadisun Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung


The mechanical properties of Clay Shale are very unique. When it is dry, it shrinks and hardens, but
when it absorbs water, it swells and to some extent loses its shear strength so that the drop-in
strength can occur suddenly even with its own weight. Due to the nature of the swell-shrink that are
strongly influenced by climate and weather, clay shale durability may decrease over time when in
direct contact with air and water. Research on clay shale was done in Sentul City, Bogor - West Java,
Indonesia on Jatiluhur formation, using dynamic slaking (slake durability test) and slaking static test.
Dynamic slacking test is done in three times i.e. after sampling, after 3 months and after 9 months.
Slake durability test results from 3 different drilling points, shows that within 9 months, has not seen
the decreasing effect of durability. With a low Plasticity index, the durability research in Sentul City is
in medium durability to medium-high durability classification.


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How to Cite
Oktaviani, R., P Raharjo, P., & A Sadisun, I. (2018). Kajian Ketahanan Batuan Clay Shale Formasi Jatiluhur di Sentul City Jawa Barat. PROMINE, 6(1), 26-32. https://doi.org/10.33019/promine.v6i1.715