Studi Unsur Tanah Jarang REE di Bagian Barat Bukit Sambung Giri Kecamatan Merawang Kabupaten Bangka

The Study of Rare Earth Elements REE in West Part Sambung Giri Hill Merawang District Bangka Regency

  • Mardiah Mardiah
  • Irvani Irvani


as long as years. The other mineral associated tin ore mineral very potensial mineral in Bangka Island
is rare earth element REE. They are the future prospect mineral resources, and how in the feature
time this potential must have a high economic value. REE potential not yet explored and exploited well
until now days in Bangka Island, and was left abundant in ex-mining area. They carried out from the
tin ore mining and become mine waste or tailing and then through the stream flows to be suspension
or bed load sediment. The aim of this study is to identify the present rare earth based on surface
outcrop samples as vein and rock and to understanding their spatial distribution in The west part of
Sambung Giri Hill Merawang District Bangka Regency. Primary data collection of outcrop of rock
and vein in Sambung Giri Hill. Geochemical sediments analysis just for identification in
semiquantitative the presence of rare earth elements Ce, La, Nd, Sm and Y. Rare earth element of
cerium (Ce), Nd and Sm just ancent in some small sample, but for Lantanum (La) and yittrium (Y)
almost presence at all shallow surface veint rock. The spatial distribution of rare earth Ce, La, Nd, Sm
and Y show heterogeneity in laterally.


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How to Cite
Mardiah, M., & Irvani, I. (2018). Studi Unsur Tanah Jarang REE di Bagian Barat Bukit Sambung Giri Kecamatan Merawang Kabupaten Bangka. PROMINE, 6(1), 41-46.

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