The Use Of Geographic Information Systems For The Regency’s Ngawi Mining Area
Ngawi regency has large potential of mining resources. However, there is no detailed data in mining area
regulation to optimalization of mining resources in Ngawi Regency. This research focus to identify mining
resources in Ngawi Regency and making mining zonation used GIS aplication. Ngawi Regency Mining zonation
make with weighting and scoring in mining parameters than processing with overlay method. Based on this
research, Ngawi has 6 potential distribution mining resources, tehre is : Clay, Andesite, Limestone, Hard Soil,
Sandstone, and Breccia. In Mining Parameters Ngawi Regency have 9 Parameters. Ngawi regency mining
zonation can be divided into can be permitted to mined in 197 location, can be permitted to mined with certain
condition in 91 location , and can’t be permitted to mined in 254 location.