Metals Content Analysis in Dominant Plants in ex-Tin Mined Land and Pond South Bangka
Besides to impact on changing of landscape and biodiversity, tin mined left heavy metal contaminants,
and phytoremediation (the use of plants to accumulate heavy metals) is a chosen method. This study
measures Pb (Lead), Cu (Copper), Zn (Zinc) in soil and dominant terestrial plants in tin mined land
and Fe (Iron), Al (Aluminum), As (Arsen) in root and shoot of dominant plants in ex-tin mined pond.
Dominant species was determined by vegetation analysis of quadrate method. Metals analysis was
conducted using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Pb in secondary forest (8 ppm), in revegetated
tin mined soil (10,80 ppm) and in 0 year abandoned tin mined soil) (20,70 ppm) exceed quality
standards. There is no potential of becoming accumulator plant for Pb, Cu, Zn in tin mined land, but
Schima wallichii was found potential to be Cu accumulator in secondary forest because it has
translocation factor (TF)>1. The highest Fe > 2% in shoot and > 3% in roots. Al > 2% in shoot and >
3% in root. As was not detected.
Keywords: Tin mined soil, Bangka, Metal, Accumulator plants