Study of Water Quality Analysis and Potential Acid Forming Rocks at Bangka Belitung University
The condition of water, soil and rock in Bangka Belitung University can be one of reference for
conservation area and future development. Field observation known that the research location is
grouped into formation of sedimentary is Tanjung Genting Formation. Average pH of water 5,3; TDS
41.1 mg/l; TSS 11,1 mg/l and Al content 0,18 mg/l; Fe 0.32 mg/l; Cu 0.14 mg/l taken from groundwater
and surface water samples. Rock samples of static test results obtained that the rocks are acidic but
into the category is uncertain. However, from the paste pH it was found that the pH of rocks is 5,39
and this shows that the rocks are not potentially acidic.