Efficiency of Zinc (II) Metal Ion Adsorption Using Fe3O4/Clay Composites from Bangka

Efficiency of Zinc (II) Metal Ion Adsorption Using Fe3O4/Clay Composites from Bangka

  • Ayu Ratna Sari Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Verry Andre Fabiani Department of Chemistry, Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Nurhadini Nurhadini Department of Chemistry, Universitas Bangka Belitung


Research on the adsorption efficiency of Zn2+ metal ions has been carried out using a composite Fe3O4-clay from Bangka. This study aims to determine the characteristics of Fe3O4-clay composites using FTIR and XRD, determine the adsorption efficiency of Zn2+ metal ions by activated natural clay, Fe3O4, and Fe3O4-clay composites (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3) and determine the effect of concentration. on the adsorption efficiency of Zn2+ metal ions by the Fe3O4-clay composite. The results of FTIR and XRD analysis showed that the Fe3O4-clay composite was successfully synthesized. Based on the results of characterization by FTIR on Fe3O4-clay, it shows the formation of composites with the absorption peak at wave numbers 3685 cm-1 and 683,89 cm-1 which were absorption peaks of clay and at wave number 3448,32 cm-1 is the absorption peak. This absorption peak allowed to bind with clay. In addition, the XRD analysis results of Fe3O4-clay composite showed a diffraction peak at 2θ = 12,23o; 20,83o; 24,83o; 26,6o; 30,48o; 35,625o and 62,5o which consist of clay and Fe3O4. The adsorption efficiency of activated natural clay, Fe3O4, Fe3O4-clay (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3) could absorb Zn2+ metal ions, respectively 99,18%, 44,76%, 99,25%, 94,63% and 76,25%, with the highest adsorption efficiency found in the Fe3O4-clay composite (1:1). The adsorption efficiency of Zn2+ metal ions by the Fe3O4-clay (1:1) composite reached 49,57% at a Zn2+ metal ion concentration of 20 mg/L.


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How to Cite
Sari, A., Fabiani, V., & Nurhadini, N. (2021). Efficiency of Zinc (II) Metal Ion Adsorption Using Fe3O4/Clay Composites from Bangka. Stannum : Jurnal Sains Dan Terapan Kimia, 3(1), 23-29. https://doi.org/10.33019/jstk.v3i1.2230