Stannum : Jurnal Sains dan Terapan Kimia <p>Jurnal Sains dan Terapan Kimia published research article, minireview/review, and short communication that included studies in Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analitycal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Applied Chemistry</p> en-US (Robby Gus Mahardika) (Verry Andre Fabiani) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Synthesis of Cellulose Acetate From Coil Waste (Borassus flabellifer L) Using Delignification Time Variations <p>Synthesis of cellulose acetate form palm coir (<em>Borassus flabellifer</em> L) waste has been synthesized by varying the time in the delignification process. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of cellulose acetate form palm coir waste (<em>Borassus flabellifer</em> L) and the optimum time for the delignification process. This research was conducted in several stages: sample preparation, cellulose isolation (delignification and <em>bleaching</em> process), and synthesis of cellulose acetate (activation, acetylation, and hydrolysis process). The cellulose acetate obtained was then charatecrized by testing for water content, acetyl content, and degree of substitution and functional grup analysis using a fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectrophotometer. In the delignification process, variations of the delignification time were usesd, namely 60, 90, 120, and 150 minutes. Form the results of the study, the characteristics of cellulose acetate in palm coir were optained, namely water content of 0.95%‒2.16%, acetyl content of 37.19%‒40.85%, degree of substitution of 2.2‒2.6 and identification of functional groups using FTIR showed that there was a typical absorption of cellulose acetate on the carbonyl group (C=O) and the ester group (C-O acetyl). The results of variations in the time of the delignification process showed that the optimum reaction time was 120 minutes with the yield of cellulose acetate produced at 254.4%, water content 2.16%, acetyl content 40.85%, degree of substitution (DS) 2.6. the cellulose acetate produced belongs to the type of cellulose diacetate, which can be further utilized in manufacturing threads, membranes, adhesives of films, and mask filters.</p> Matius Stefanus Batu, Maria Magdalena Kolo, Fransiska Rika ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effectiveness of the Combination of Alum (Al₂(SO₄)₃) and Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) Coagulants in the Removal of Manganese (Mn) Using the Coagulation-Flocculation Process <p>A technique for reducing the contamination of heavy metals in wastewater is the&nbsp; coagulationflocculation&nbsp;method. The approach has various advantages, including a simple process, readily<br>available chemicals, inexpensive equipment costs, and an excellent capacity to remove pollutants.&nbsp;The goal of this research is to see how well Mn-containing wastewater can be reduced using alum&nbsp;and calcium hydroxide as coagulants. The adsorption capacity of the coagulant combination in the&nbsp;floc generation phase of the coagulation-flocculation process can also be calculated. The technique&nbsp;used is coagulation-flocculation, with modifications made to the coagulant content and stirring&nbsp;duration. The data was then evaluated using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to&nbsp;assess the decrease Mn concentration in wastewater. According to the experiments, the&nbsp;combination of alum and calcium hydroxide coagulants with a mass composition ratio of&nbsp;alum:calcium hydroxide (150 mg:50 mg) and a stirring time of 15 minutes has the highest&nbsp;efficiency of 89.35% and is directly proportional to the adsorption capacity value of 446.75<br>mg/gram.&nbsp;</p> Samuel Putra Mandiri Simanullang, Moh. Azhar Afandy, Fikrah Dian Indrawati Sawali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Pirdot Leaves Extract (Saurauia vulcani Korth) As Natural Antioxidant to Inhibit Oxidation Reaction of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) <h4>The Pirdot plant (<em>Saurauia vulcani</em> Korth) is a wild plant that grows abundantly in tropical regions such as in North Sumatra. The active compounds found in Pirdot plant leaves are known to have good antioxidant activity. The aim of this research is to evaluate the n-hexane and methanol extracts of Pirdot plant leaves in inhibiting oxidation in crude palm oil (CPO). In this study, the Pirdot plant leaves were extracted using n-hexane (EHP) and methanol (EMP) solvents. The effectiveness of adding both extracts to the quality of CPO was tested for eight days using the parameters of free fatty acid content and peroxide value. The results of the effectiveness test for adding both extracts to CPO showed a good inhibitory effect on the oxidation reaction in CPO. The EMP extract at a concentration of 5000 ppm was more effective in maintaining the quality of CPO for 8 days, with a free fatty acid content of 3.09% and a peroxide value of 14.03 meq O<sub>2</sub>/kg.</h4> Weny J A Musa, Lokky Sardomu Harianja, Sriwijayanti Sriwijayanti, Nani Yulianti, Boima Situmeang ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Utilization Analysis of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Cumin Leaves (Plectranthus amboinicus) as an Antimicrobial against Staphylococcus aureus using LC-MS <p>The research investigates the antibacterial potential of cumin leaves due to their rich composition of flavonoid compounds, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins. The study's objectives encompass assessing the antibacterial efficacy of cumin leaf's ethyl acetate fraction against <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria, identifying the concentration of this fraction yielding the most substantial inhibition zone, and characterizing the compound composition within the fractionated cumin leaf extract. Extraction involved maceration using 96% ethanol and fractionation through water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate solvents. The ethyl acetate fraction's phytochemical screening affirmed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS) analysis pinpointed the top two peaks as flavonoid compounds. Antibacterial assessments, executed via paper disc diffusion method, employed concentrations of 15%, 20%, and 25% of the ethyl acetate cumin leaf extract against Staphylococcus aureus, each repeated thrice. The 20% concentration exhibited the most substantial inhibition zone, averaging 23.1mm, compared to 16.8mm for 15% and 19.6mm for 25%, indicating its optimal efficacy against <em>S. aureus</em> growth. Statistical analysis employing ANOVA testing underscored the significance of the ethyl acetate cumin leaf fraction's concentration variations on <em>S. aureus</em>, as evidenced by a p-value of 0.00 (below the significance threshold of 0.05). This underscores the impact of the ethyl acetate cumin leaf fraction's concentrations on inhibiting <em>S. aureus</em> growth. The findings shed light on the potential of cumin leaves as a source of antimicrobial agents, with the 20% ethyl acetate fraction exhibiting notable effectiveness, opening avenues for further exploration and applications in antibacterial research.</p> Rahma Diyan Martha, Ayu Insa Fajri, Danar Danar, Siti Nurriyatul Kholifah, Hesty Parbuntari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Concentration Effect of MgO/K2O Catalyst on Transesterification of Castor Seed (Ricinus communis) Oil <p>Fatty acid methyl esters can be obtained from the synthesis of vegetable oil with methanol using a base catalyst. Vegetable oil has the potential as biodiesel feedstock, the methyl ester character of various vegetable oils is different as from castor seed oil. Synthesis of methyl esters by transesterification reaction with the addition of a heterogeneous catalyst, namely MgO/K2O. The purpose of this study was to synthesize methyl esters from castor seed oil with MgO/K2O catalyst and to determine the yield and character. The research went through 6 stages which included (1) isolation of castor seed oil, (2) determination of free fatty acid (ALB) levels of castor seed oil, (3) manufacture of MgO/K2O catalyst (4) esterification of castor seed oil with H2SO4 catalyst (5) transesterification of jatropha seed oil with methanol and various variations in the concentration of the catalyst MgO/K2O 1%, 2%, 3%, (6) characterization of the synthesized methyl ester which includes tests of density, viscosity, acid number, refractive index and moisture content. The results showed that the concentration of MgO/K2O had an effect on the synthesis of methyl esters from castor seed oil, where the optimization condition was achieved at a concentration of 2% MgO/K2O with a yield of 97.99%. The methyl ester character which is synthesized from castor seed oil with a 2% MgO/K2O catalyst is having a density of 1.0244 g/mL, a viscosity of 22.531 cSt, an acid number of 2.81 g KOH/g methyl ester, a refractive index of 1.456, and a moisture content. 0.035%.</p> Aman Santoso, Sumari Sumari, Muhammad Roy Asrori, Irsyadatun Ni’mah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Utilization of Iron (Stainless Steel) Waste for Making Prussian Blue Pigment <p class="KataKunci"><span lang="IN" style="font-style: normal;">The increasing use of household materials made of stainless steel also causes more metal waste to be produced. Stainless waste is considered dangerous because it contains several heavy metal compounds such as Ci, Pb, Ni, Fe, and others, so it is necessary to treat stainless waste. Stainless slag and stainless dust can be processed into products with high selling value such as pigments or dyes. In this research, Prussian Blue pigment was synthesized from Fe waste obtained from iron fiber waste. Apart from knowing the yield of the Prussian Blue synthesis, the effect of adding TiO<sub>2</sub> on the intensity of the resulting color was observed. This study used a hydrometallurgical method using acid leaching to produce Prussian blue color pigments. The Prussian blue pigment conversion value produced in experiment 1 was 79.63%, experiment 2 was 80.36%, experiment 3 was 83.63%, and experiment 4 was 82.40%. The yield value of Prussian blue pigment in experiment 1 was 1.230 gram Prussian blue/gram iron, experiment 2 was 1.142 gram Prussian blue/gram iron, experiment 3 was 1.305 gram prussian blue/gram iron, and experiment 4 was 1.807 gram prussian blue/gram iron. Overall this method can process waste iron (stainless steel) into Prussian blue color pigment. </span></p> Esa Nur Shohih, Cornelius Satria Yudha, Himmah Sekar Eka Ayu Gustiana, Dian Rama Pradifta, Ilmi Utari Simatupang, Kristina Dewi Maharani, Muftiyasfu Tahshilus Sa’adah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Removal Co(II) Ions in Aqueous Solution using Fe-MCM-41 <p>The removal of Co(II) ions using Fe-MCM-41 adsorbent was studied. Fe-MCM-41 was synthesized by the sonochemical method and then interacted with solutions containing Co(II) ions at various concentrations. The Langmuir equation indicated monolayer adsorption could be well-fitted for the adsorption isotherms. The maximum adsorption capacity of Co(II) ions on Fe-MCM-41 was 62.89 mg/g. Therefore, it could be conclude that the concentration of Co(II) ions in an aqueous solution can be reduced by using Fe-MCM-41 adsorbent.</p> M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri; Weni Febriani; Sutarno Sutarno, Suyanta Suyanta ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adsorption Study of Carbon Chitosan Composite Beads from Ketapang Fruit Shell (Terminalia catappa L) on Methylene Blue Dyes <p>Carbon chitosan composite beads were synthesized using chitosan and activated carbon from Ketapang fruit shells (<em>Terminalia catappa</em> L) using PVA as a crosslinker. The adsorbent was synthesized with a chitosan: activated carbon ratio of 0.8 grams versus 0.2 grams. Material characterization using FTIR shows the presence of C-O, N-H, C-N, C=O, C-H, and -OH functional groups. Adsorption of carbon chitosan composite beads on methylene blue achieved maximum results at a contact time of 75 minutes using an adsorbent mass of 0.15 grams with an adsorption percentage reaching 97%. The adsorption kinetics follows a pseudo second order kinetic model with a k value of 1.3467 mg-s-.</p> Ria Nurwidiyani, Chelin Dion Sigiro, Agus Martono Hadi Putranto, Deni Agus Triawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000