Analisis Kepadatan Teripang Hitam (Holothuria atra) Di Kawasan Intertidal Perairan Tuing Kabupaten Bangka
Density Analysis of Black Sea Cucumbers (Holothuria atra) in the Tuing Intertidal Waters, Bangka Regency
The purpose of this study was to analyze the density and distribution patterns of sea cucumbers in the intertidal area of the Tuing waters and analyze the relationship of environmental parameters with the density of sea cucumbers in the intertidal areas of the Tuing waters. This research was conducted in March - May 2019 in the intertidal area of Tuing waters, Bangka Regency. The determination of the sampling location is done by considering the condition and the area of representation of sea cucumber distribution in the intertidal area of the Tuing waters, for sampling using the Belt Transect method. The results obtained at all observation stations density of sea cucumbers (Holothuria atra) were 33 individuals. Highest density at station 3 which is 0,050 indivuduals/m² and lowest at station 2 0,017 individuals/m². The distribution pattern of black sea cucumbers is clustering. The results of the analysis of the main components of the PCA showed that the Substrate parameters and BOT parameters affect the density of black sea cucumbers (Holothuria atra).
Copyright (c) 2021 Wahyu Al Faroby

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