Kajian Makanan Ikan dan Waktu Makan Tor (Tor soro Valenciennes 1842) Di Sungai Asahan

Food Fish Study and Eating Time Tor (Tor soro Valenciennes 1842) at Asahan River

  • Rumondang Rumondang Program Studi Budidaya Perairan, Universitas Asahan


The Tor fish food study conducted on the Asahan River in this study determined three stations by purposive sampling, namely the distribution of locations based on river characteristics, and fish habitat in the Asahan River area. Data was collected from April - July 2017 this study consisted of field research and laboratory research. Field research was carried out on the Asahan River. Sampling of fish using fishing gear in the form of a mesh measuring three meters long, gill nets with three meshes (¾, 1½ and 2 inches) measuring 20 m long and 2 meters wide. The purpose of this study was to examine the composition of food and the time of eating fish. Tor fish caught during the study were 128 individuals. The total length (TL) range of Tor fish is between 70 - 210 mm, and the weight range is between 20 - 205 gr. Tor fish include omnivorous fish that tend to be herbivores with their main food being phytoplankton, followed by crustaceans, insects, rotifers, oligochaeta. Tor fish are diurnal fish with active time for fish, which is in the morning. In conducting foraging activities it is suspected that tor fish use the sense of sight


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