Analisis Usaha Perikanan Tangkap Kapal Bagan di Pulau Celagen Kecamatan Kepulauan Pongok Kabupaten Bangka Selatan

Business Analysis of Fisheries by the Bagan Vessel in Celagen Island, Pongok of South Bangka Regency Islands

  • Arthur Muhammad Farhaby Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Universitas Bangka Belitung


Celagen Island is one of the small islands in Pongok District, South Bangka Regency.In 2017, Celagen Island has a population of 1,234 people, most of whom work as fishermen.The fishing units used by fishermen on Celagen Island are divided into 2 types, namely kapal bagan and Fishing Rods. Kapal Bagan is a fishing gear that produces economically valuable catches of pelagic fish. The economic aspect is one of the factors considered in the development of a business, including the advantages and the payback period.The results of the study showed that the Kapal Bagan fishing unit had a profit of Rp. 1571929167 after tabulating infrastructure costs, fixed costs, variable costs, and total acceptance..Based on the calculation of the analysis, the balance of revenue from the Kapal Bagan fishing unit is Rp. 6,187. This means that the business of Bagan Ships which are run in one season will benefit because of the R / C> 1. Return on capital is a period needed to recoup investment expenses (initial cash investment) using cash flow. After tabulating the data, the PP value is 0.144. This means that capture fisheries business with Ship Charting fishing units is feasible to operate because the return on capital time is shorter than the maximum return on capital.


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