Analysis of Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) in Marketing of White Pepper (Muntok White Pepper) in Bangka Regency

Analisis Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) pada Pemasaran Lada Putih (Muntok White Pepper) di Kabupaten Bangka Barat

  • Chatijah Adha University of Bangka Belitung
  • Yudi Sapta Pranoto University of Bangka Belitung
  • Rati Purwasih University of Bangka Belitung


White pepper is a plantation commodity that plays an important role in export and import activities the marketing aspect is important in the cultivation of smallholder pepper plantations. White pepper farming is carried out regularly and continously in West Bangka Regency supportes by the potential of white pepper that has a brand image (Muntoh White Pepper). In running white pepper farming, there in a need for marketing efficiency analysis. The objectives of this research are (1) describe the white pepper marketing channel in Wesh Bangka Regency, (2) analye the efficiency of white pepper marketing using market structure, market conduct, and market perfoemance (SCP) methods in Bangka Regency. Thies research wa conducted by survey method. The analytical tool used was descriptive qualitative adn SCP approach. The results showed that there were five types of white pepper marketing chanels in West Bangka Regency. The market structure formed from domestic white pepper marketing to imperfect competition markets namely oligopoly, Channel IV is a relatively more efficient channel measured based on the smallest margin value of Rp 4.000, Farmer’s Share of 92,59 and R/C ratio of 2,63.

Keywords: Market Conduct, Marketing Efficiency, Market Performance, Market Structure, White Pepper


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How to Cite
Adha, C., Pranoto, Y. and Purwasih, R. (2019) “Analysis of Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) in Marketing of White Pepper (Muntok White Pepper) in Bangka Regency”, Journal of Integrated Agribusiness, 1(2), pp. 82-91. doi: 10.33019/jia.v1i2.1043.
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